Southern California Club Xterra
Southern California Club Xterra => SCCX General Discussion => 2 Way Radios & Comms => Topic started by: Ghost65 on May 20, 2012, 06:09:09 AM
I know you are out there...please post here so we can have a nice little database of who the hams are and when they received their "ticket."
I'll start.
Callsign: KD6DCI
License date: October, 1992
Current radio set-up: Kenwood TM-742A, tri-band radio running 2M/70cm/220mhz with detachable faceplate, and a Comet tri-band antenna.
Member in good stand with Palomar Amatuer Radio Club (PARC) and the East County Repeater Association (ECRA).
Callsign: KG6OAZ
License Date: Amateur Extra Class since they dropped the code requirement and my deaf as a post ears weren't a factor!
Radios: Truck Yaesu FT-8800R dual band and a Kenwood TH-F6A, home - Yaesu FT-897D and FT-2900R, Kenwood TH-F6A, and an old Yaesu FT-757GXII.
Antennas: The house has a 2M/440 on one end of the house and a 220/2M/440 on the other with an off-center feed Windom for the HF. 25 KW UPS backs everything up. (yeah, twenty five kilowatt hours). There's a discone for the scanner. On the truck I have SSB-7 and NR73B and some other antennas too.
Use to belong to the local RACES chapter until the chairperson when all stalker on me and creeped me out. Member of K6AFN's 220 repeater club.
Callsign: K9AMI (ami = friend in French)
License date: 2 years ago as of Friday (5/18/2010)
Current radio set-up: Kenwood TM-V71A, running 2M/70cm with detachable faceplate, and either a Comet SSB-1NMO or a Diamond NR770HNMO antenna depending on what sort of trip I'm doing.
Also do APRS, my truck is K9AMI-9, using an Argent Tracker2 + Garmin Nuvi 350 connected to my Kenwood. Would like to do a dedicated radio for APRS at some point, but then I'd need another antenna. :-P
Callsign: KF6BRF
License Date: 1994ish Technician (can't remember exact date of initial), upgraded to General 6/3/12
Current Radio Setup: Home - Alinco DR-140TQ 2m. Truck - Yaesu FT-7900R/E 2m/70cm to a Diamond K412S mount, with a Yaesu FT-50R handheld 2m/70cm. Planned home upgrade to either Icom 706MkIIG or Yaesu FT-857 All Mode.
Member Keller Peak Repeater Association and Big Bear Amateur Radio Club.
Skywarn Member of San Bernardino County ECS.
Callsign: KJ6SRM
License date: November, 2011
Current radio set-up: Yaesu FT-60R
I am pretty new to the HAM scene and undecided on where to go from here.
Callsign: KJ6YPO
License date: July 5 2012 (Tech and Gen)
Current radio set-up: Still looking, learning and shopping.
I am open to suggestions: My interests are wheeling (2M), sailing (SSB?) and emergency. Should I buy an All band unit, or seperate HF and dual band.
Callsign: KJ6YPO
License date: July 5 2012 (Tech and Gen)
Current radio set-up: Still looking, learning and shopping.
I am open to suggestions: My interests are wheeling (2M), sailing (SSB?) and emergency. Should I buy an All band unit, or seperate HF and dual band.
Awesome! Did you take both exams the same day? I've heard of people taking all three and passing. I need to take the crash course and Tech exam.
Callsign: KJ6YPO
License date: July 5 2012 (Tech and Gen)
Current radio set-up: Still looking, learning and shopping.
I am open to suggestions: My interests are wheeling (2M), sailing (SSB?) and emergency. Should I buy an All band unit, or seperate HF and dual band.
Congrats Randy!!!! Awesome!
For wheeling get a dual band 2m/440 unit from any of the manufacturers. Kenwood, Yeasu, Icom are all good brands. Woixsun is a new company on the market. Don't forget to get a good antenna too. Diamond and Comet make great antennas.
Awesome! Did you take both exams the same day? I've heard of people taking all three and passing. I need to take the crash course and Tech exam.
No excuses Max! :)
Thanks guys!
I studied my a** off and took both on the same day for $5 in Escondido with EARS (every last Saturday of the month Max!). Great group of guys and gals.
Thanks for the tips John, when I get a radio we'll "talk".
Callsign: KJ6YPO
License date: July 5 2012 (Tech and Gen)
Current radio set-up: Still looking, learning and shopping.
I am open to suggestions: My interests are wheeling (2M), sailing (SSB?) and emergency. Should I buy an All band unit, or seperate HF and dual band.
Or both?
A all band unit is expensive - figure $900 by the time you get it and an option or two. A dual band unit about 1/3rd that cost. I have a portable all band unit at home and a dual bander in the truck. I was fearful to put an all bander in the truck as my insurance policy specifically denies amateur radio without an additional rider (GIECO).
I love garage sales!
Saw this little Kenwood TM-241A 2meter for $60. I ended up also buying his 500 watt pwr. supply and a field strength meter, then he through in a brand new cushcraft A3 HF 10 15 20 band antenna. All for 100 bucks, total. So I gotta go HF now! Looking at the TS-480 or IC-746. If it's not tires and lifts, it's tuners and antennas
I love garage sales!
Saw this little Kenwood TM-241A 2meter for $60. I ended up also buying his 500 watt pwr. supply and a field strength meter, then he through in a brand new cushcraft A3 HF 10 15 20 band antenna. All for 100 bucks, total. So I gotta go HF now! Looking at the TS-480 or IC-746. If it's not tires and lifts, it's tuners and antennas
That is a killer deal Randy. SCORE!
Power supply works great, radio needs a new memory batt, $12. on line. Made my first contact today, he showed me to se my ctcss. I will be going to the Fallbrook ham club meeting next month. Love these guys!
Power supply works great, radio needs a new memory batt, $12. on line. Made my first contact today, he showed me to se my ctcss. I will be going to the Fallbrook ham club meeting next month. Love these guys!
Totally cool...way to go Randy. :)
I'm so jealous.
I'm so jealous.
Keep studying. :)
2 Meter update: Replaced memory battery, with the help of Nilda's little hands, now it's good as new! I put my whip antenna on top of my patio umbrella pole and hit a repeater on Palomar Mtn. to chat with a guy in Rancho Bernardo. OK, next is a directional antenna or an HF rig. ;D A mod is a mod is a mod.
Hardrock got his license!!
Congrats Matt!!
Thanks John!! A few days of studying before and and it wasn't too bad.
What license did you get, technician or general?
What license did you get, technician or general?
Hey Chris...I'm pretty sure he grabbed the No Code Technician.
If Randy grabbed KJ6YPO...I am wondering if Matt's call sign will trip over to one of the KK6xxx calls.
I got the technician license. And I probably got one of the last few KJ6 call signs.
Good job though, welcome to the club.
Woohoo!!! Got my radio last weekend, Yaesu ft-60 ... 2 meter 440.
And passed my exam today!!! can't wait to get my Call sign...
Outstanding! :)
Woohoo!!! Got my radio last weekend, Yaesu ft-60 ... 2 meter 440.
And passed my exam today!!! can't wait to get my Call sign...
Congratulations Steve! Well done! Let us know when you get your call sign.
Atta boy Steve!!
Now everyone's gotta get licensed or just know we will be talking about them out of range ;D
Come on everyone, all the cool kids are doing it. :P
Atta boy Steve!!
Now everyone's gotta get licensed or just know we will be talking about them out of range ;D
Come on everyone, all the cool kids are doing it. :P
Hahahahaha! I love this post! :D ;D :D ;D
Got my call sign!!!
Am I one of them cool kids now???? ;) :D ;D
Yes, you are. Some of us are striving to be in your shoes.
Got my call sign!!!
Am I one of them cool kids now???? ;) :D ;D
Great news Steve!!!
Not sure about cool, but definitely crystal clear comms on the trail!
(well, yeah...the antennas look pretty cool) :D
Update II, Got my HF rig a couple weeks ago, and finally put up a directional antenna in the back yard. I aimed it at New York, but instead talked to New Zealand!!! *Note to self: paint arrow on antenna.*
It was cooler than I thought it would be.... in a geeky kind of way. :P
Update II, Got my HF rig a couple weeks ago, and finally put up a directional antenna in the back yard. I aimed it at New York, but instead talked to New Zealand!!! *Note to self: paint arrow on antenna.*
It was cooler than I thought it would be.... in a geeky kind of way. :P
First QSO half way around the world...not bad for a rookie. :P
Callsign: KK6AGQ
License date: October, 2012
Current radio set-up: *New Mobile Rig* Yaesu FTM-350AR, :o running a Diamond MR77SMA mag mount for now. Yaesu VX-170 reserved for backup duty.
That's great Kinghtrider, just in time for BB. I know I got at least one tailgunner for Sunday :)
Callsign: KK6AGQ
License date: October, 2012
Current radio set-up: Yaesu VX-170
Awesome Jordan...thx for checking in.
Call: KF6WVM
License Date-ish: June 1999
-Mobile Ft-8100 (older brother to the 8800) & Larsen Antenna
-Station Icom 746-Pro
-- HF: Long wire (~100+ ft) @ 50ft with Icom AH-4 Tuner
-- 2m: Ringo Ranger @ ~55 - 60ft (something like that.. it just works) This is what I use to direct the OAUSA nets.
Callsign: KK6BSJ
License date: January, 2013
Current radio set-up: Yaesu FT-60R and Mirage BD-35 Dual band amplifier w/external Mag Antenna
Congrats Terry!
Well done Terry! That FT60 is a great little radio with the ext. ant. It'll serve you well for a long time.
Thanks you guys..
Callsign: KF7UCU
Currently working on my general so I can use my new HF rig I set up in the house.
Hey AZX,
let me know when you go HF. I'm putting up a new tri-band(10,15,20) in the back yard this weekend, would like to try it out :)
KJ6YPO Randy in Fallbrook, CA.
Will do, currently I have setup a 35 ft beam to string a wire across the backyard. Handles all bands cept for 160m I think. Hooked into a Yaesu-FT 897dHopefully I will get general in the next month or two.
I've heard nothing but good about the 897d, great score! The talk around here is that hardley anyone talks on 80 or 160M. So a cheap 20M diapole would be an easy way to start. Your probably reading all the same online info that I am, since I'm new to this as well.
Good luck
Callsign: KK6AEL
License date: October 2012
Current radio set-up: Yaesu FT-7900 (2m/70cm) mobile radio setup with a Comet SBB-5 antenna.
Currently I'm in "listening mode", monitoring and learning the active freqs and users in my area. I have yet to make a first contact on the HAM bands. If anyone's in range of Ridgecrest, let me know- I'd love to set up a radio check sometime. Not a member of a club yet, but I'm thinking of joining.
Thanks for replying Andrew and are in the database.
New call sign K6XTE :)
Hey Jordan,
I like the custom call sign, nice touch.
Hey all, I scored an old Kenwood th79a hand-held dual bander. It also receives marine and airplane frequencies :o
I just need to mount an antenna on the KLR now.
Hey Jordan,
I like the custom call sign, nice touch.
Hey all, I scored an old Kenwood th79a hand-held dual bander. It also receives marine and airplane frequencies :o
I just need to mount an antenna on the KLR now.
I have the same HT (TH-79a) and love it. A great 5 watt dual bander. A lot of accessories available for this radio.
Operator: Terry Lindgren
Callsign: K6XTL (MODIFIED)
License date: January, 2013
Current radio set-up: Yaesu FT-60R and Mirage BD-35 Dual band amplifier w/external Mag Antenna
Callsign: KE6KIQ
License date: 07/15/1994
Current radio set-up: YAESU FT-2500M (ICOM 706 MK4BG gathering dust as I'm waiting for my antenna farm to sprout.)
Welcome Roy. Good, another Ham man. And another oldster like me. Sounds like you have your General's license as well. We have another Ham up your way somewhere I think. Look forward to meeting you on the trail.
For those of you who may need a VE to help with testing, I have my official VE credentials from ARRL now and can help give tests up to Technician. When I add on my Extra license later this year I will be able to help give tests to General. :)
Operator: Nick Gealogo
Callsign: KK6ENA
License date: May 2013
Current radio set-up: Yaesu FT-2900R/E w/external Mag Antenna
Congrats Nick ;D KK6???
The last two outings I've run on, the Hams out numbered the Non Hams. So there are less and less guys we can broil on 2 meters. But there still out there :D
Just means we move to 70cm haha
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Ive got a new Call:
Cool Steevo. And what does it mean?
Cool Steevo. And what does it mean?
It means he upgraded his that an Extra call? 2x2?
Congrats on getting your Xtra!
Thanks! Yup that's the new 2x2 extra call ;D
Gone crawl'n
KK6FHY at your service. :)
Congrats on the ticket
Not sent with the stupid auto guide app
KK6FHY at your service. :)
Excellent... now we just need to come up with something catchy for the last 3 letters of your call....
Hmmm lessee.... Frisky Hot... nahhhh I'll behave... :P
Excellent... now we just need to come up with something catchy for the last 3 letters of your call....
Hmmm lessee.... Frisky Hot... nahhhh I'll behave... :P
Or not is good too.
Lol! Congrats shi
Sent while mobile, typos likely.
Way to go Steve and shi ;D
Now Shi can talk around the world and Steve can talk to... 'Klingons' :P
I've got a pretty good stack of SQL cards from general class days too! Just redid the hf antenna today and first 2 contacts are Venezuela and Argentina with 5x9 signal reports... can't complain about that!
Sent while mobile, typos likely.
I've got a pretty good stack of SQL cards from general class days too! Just redid the hf antenna today and first 2 contacts are Venezuela and Argentina with 5x9 signal reports... can't complain about that!
Sent while mobile, typos likely.
That's frikkin' cool. ;D
23 active hams with their tickets on the SCCX boards as of 8/13/2013...very cool.
( (
Call Signs: KK6GQU (me, Doug)
KK6GQV (my wife's, Deb)
signs will change to vanity callsigns in a month or two. Trying to say Quebec is like talking with a mouth full of rocks.
Date: Last Saturday, September 21, 2013 (Technician Class)
Rig: None but leaning towards a Yaesu FT-8000 dual band for the truck (got license for mobile use)
Congratulations. You and your wife both got your tickets?
Sorry just noticed you have consecutive call signs ;D
Yea that took me a while to figure that out too
Not sent with the stupid auto guide app
Yes, congrats to both of you.
Well done Doug and Deb ;D Looking forward to meeting you folks on the trail soon. 73s
Call Signs: KK6GQU (me, Doug)
KK6GQV (my wife's, Deb)
signs will change to vanity callsigns in a month or two. Trying to say Quebec is like talking with a mouth full of rocks.
Date: Last Saturday, September 21, 2013 (Technician Class)
Rig: None but leaning towards a Yaesu FT-8000 dual band for the truck (got license for mobile use)
Just caught this...Doug and Deb I will update our little database this morning with your call signs. CONGRATS!! ;D
27 licensed hams! This means better and safer comms for most SCCX runs!
Thanks everyone for your efforts!
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Comms on cleghorn last weekend was so nice! A Ham radio in every rig!!
Sent while mobile, typos likely.
Held my Technician cert since.... yesterday............... What the heck do all these buttons and dials do???? ;D
Lol, congrats! come out to the park. Bring the radio.
Sent while mobile, typos likely.
Held my Technician cert since.... yesterday............... What the heck do all these buttons and dials do???? ;D
Congrats X2...whats your call sign and I'll add you to the database?
I'd love to attend the event in the park but I'll be out in Ocotillo/Borrego on the 15th/16th doing some wheeling. As soon as my call sign gets published I'll post it. Just have my FRN # for now.
Hey Celt,
Welcome to the "cool kids" club. It's not just for Nerds anymore.
Hahhahaha, thanks!
Hey congrats to our new Ham.
Held my Technician cert since.... yesterday............... What the heck do all these buttons and dials do???? ;D
Updated Erik, well done.
Sent from Planet Claire using Tapatalk
Checking in. Joe - KF6QBY. I'm in Murrieta and have a dual band 2M/440 mobile rig installed in my X. Hope to join a trail run as soon as I get some basic mods done. :)
Checking in. Joe - KF6QBY. I'm in Murrieta and have a dual band 2M/440 mobile rig installed in my X. Hope to join a trail run as soon as I get some basic mods done. :)
Updated Joe, thanks for the heads up.
SCCX now has 29 hams on board! Well done everyone!
We have a ways to go to catch Just Runs here in San Diego, as their group has 172 hams...but 29 is pretty fantastic!
Ha! We don't even have 172 active members.
Yea just runs is a lot bigger than SCCX, I'm a member of just runs
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Callsign: KK6OFL (really not sure how I feel about my new call sign.)
License date: July 31, 2014 (name appeared in the FCC database)
Current radio set-up: Baofeng uv5r (Torro hand me down to get me listening)
Working on putting together a mobile rig for the X. Want to do it right so I will probably be rubbing my pennies together for a while.
I was able to figure out Chirp and upload all of the local repeaters on 2m and 70cm into the uv5r. It was not as simple as one might think. I'm on a Mac with a Chinese radio and a generic if not counter fit data cable. Between finding drivers for my cable, and navigating the Baofeng's menus, it was slightly frustrating. However, I got it to work so I'm happy.
Ghostx where is the list of all the SCCX hams?
( (
Well I'll be damned. Guess I need to spend more time wandering through the Forum.
Ghostx where is the list of all the SCCX hams? worries Terry. That means you spend more time WHEELING than on the FORUMS...which is a good thing!'ve been added to the database, and again, congratulations on getting your ham ticket! ;D
Ah ha! I spy another potential field day attendee! Congrats!
Where can a noob go to take a practice test or get study material?
Where can a noob go to take a practice test or get study material?
There are a million ways to prepare for the exam.
I went this route with success. That's it. Just go over it a few times.
The test is only a few bucks to take. Put in minimal effort and you'll surprise yourself .....what's the worst that can don't pass and lose $30 bucks? Boo-hoo
- has practice tests and flash cards.
I'm considering upgrading to general class, thanks for the link Green Goon.
I'm considering upgrading to general class, thanks for the link Green Goon.
Go for it, you can doit
Go for it like Terry said...
That site is how I studied for Technician and General.
Callsign: KK6HEJ
License date: October, 2013
Current radio set-up: Baofeng UV-5R...for now
Congrats on your 'cool kids' license. That's a great little radio you got there. I still haven't figured out most of the things it can do yet.
Congrats Hennie....I'll update the database with your info when I get to a "non thread deleting" laptop. ;)
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Passed my Amateur Extra exam and as of 11/20, I'm official in the FCC ULS. I'm also a VE so any of our members needing to test, I'll be happy to help out!
VX-5R (x2)
Vertex 459
Nice work John!
I've only read stories about "Extras", I've never actually met one before. Til now.
It is said that they can contact with the Gods, with only a soup can and some string.
Oh, I am not worthy
I am not worthy
Congrats on extra! Welcome to the club!
Did you not opt in for a shorter 2x2 call?
Haven't put in the callsign change yet. Debating it. Coming up with some options.
Thanks RBduffer and Steve C! :)
Oh you're thinking going vanity . I was referring to getting another random one. But because you're extra, it would be shorter.
Congrats on the Extra!
Passed my Amateur Extra exam and as of 11/20, I'm official in the FCC ULS. I'm also a VE so any of our members needing to test, I'll be happy to help out!
VX-5R (x2)
Vertex 459
Congrats JF...let me know if you update your call so I can re-work the database. ;D ;D ;D
Congrats JF...let me know if you update your call so I can re-work the database. ;D ;D ;D
By that he means delete it.
Congratulations on the Extra class John. Very impressive :)
By that he means delete it.
With his luck, it would be the whole board... :P
Congratulations on the Extra class John. Very impressive :)
Thanks Terry! :)
With his luck, it would be the whole board... :P
Xcursion reminder: install cruise control disconnect behind 4WD switch.
( (
Or energy shields...
Callsign: KK6UGK
License date: May 21, 2015
Current radio set-up: Yaesu FT-8800R with Diamond SG7500NMO and Baofeng BF-F8HP.
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Congrats Scott, welcome to the cool kids club 8)
I like the remote mount with the BIG numbers. I gotta get one of those.
Lol ... It's great for old blind people like me.
Congrats Scott...I'll update things today.
Sent from Planet Claire
using Tapatalk
Callsign: KK6UGK
License date: May 21, 2015
Current radio set-up: Yaesu FT-8800R with Diamond SG7500NMO and Baofeng BF-F8HP.
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Just realized I never posted up in here
Running a Yaesu FT7900R dual band
Rumor has it that CHUSA passed his ham exam...barely...missing 6.
Callsign is pending.
Rumor has it that CHUSA passed his ham exam...barely...missing 6.
Callsign is pending.
What I wanna know is he going to get a vanity call sign with something to do with hauling your poo?
Inquiring minds really wanna know.
What I wanna know is he going to get a vanity call sign with something to do with hauling your poo?
Inquiring minds really wanna know.
Maybe KR8POO
Maybe KR8POO
It's not in use!!!!!!
Maybe KR8POO
That is AWESOME!
It's not in use!!!!!!
Do it, that would be the coolest call sign on the books!!!!
Try this site for checking available vanity signs:
and this one:
With a Technician level license, you are restricted to either a 1x3 or 2x3 format - one letter-one digit-three letters or two letters-one digit-three letters
I checked - KA8POO is available >:D
Excellent! Congratulations!
Excellent! Congratulations!
Thanks! I'm glad that part is done! Mike is going to take his test later this week. And we need to figure out a radio setup for the rig...... ;D
Congrats, now you get to talk about all those nasty CB-ers on the trails.
Congratulations!! :):)
Congrats Barb...this is awesome news! :)
Way to get things done!
Jon Skoog (TurtleX) in Norcal just passed his technician exam!! whhhoooo hhhhooo!!!
Mike just passed his Tech!! Woo-hoo!! ;D ;D
Mike just passed his Tech!! Woo-hoo!! ;D ;D
Nice, you guys are getting set up very nicely!
"Official" congrats to Mike and Chris who just rec'd their callsigns! ;D ;D ;D
I'm finalizing my studying and looking at taking a test at the beginning of December. I did find the testing database and emailed the guy running the test in VanNuys. However, I just want to see if we have any resident test admins in here, before I commit to testing with this guy. Thank-you.
Bass Pro Shop in Rancho Cucamonga does testing every once in a while. I don't think we have anyone in SCCX at administers tests.
Bass Pro Shop in Rancho Cucamonga does testing every once in a while. I don't think we have anyone in SCCX at administers tests.
Awesome, thanks. I think I did see Bass Pro on the list of upcoming test sites.
Hey guys, I passed my Tech exam and just got my callsign a couple weeks ago!
Callsign: KK6WLF
License date: September, 2015
Current radio set-up: BaoFeng UV-5R handheld with a Hypario Dual Band Antenna.
Hey guys, I passed my Tech exam and just got my callsign a couple weeks ago!
Callsign: KK6WLF
License date: September, 2015
Current radio set-up: BaoFeng UV-5R handheld with a Hypario Dual Band Antenna.
Congrats XXX!!! And I love the callsign (kinda jelly) ;)
Congrats XXX!!! And I love the callsign (kinda jelly) ;)
Thanks! I definitely lucked out on the callsign!!! ;D
Danny Grooters is KK6YCW
Congratulations Danny Grooters!!!!!
Cool, way to go, both of you guys ;D
Livin' the dream, with the cool kids 8)
Hey guys, I passed my Tech exam and just got my callsign a couple weeks ago!
Callsign: KK6WLF
License date: September, 2015
Current radio set-up: BaoFeng UV-5R handheld with a Hypario Dual Band Antenna.
Congrats Tom...and also a shout out to DG, kind of a big deal!
Cass Kaliniski is KK6YDH congratulations!!!!!!
Passed my tech exam today, so no call sign yet. I have a Yaesu FT-7900R partially installed, but I'm not happy with the location, so it will be getting moved. I'll update with call sign when I get it.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Passed my tech exam today, so no call sign yet. I have a Yaesu FT-7900R partially installed, but I'm not happy with the location, so it will be getting moved. I'll update with call sign when I get it.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Congratulations on your accomplishment.
My daughter just passed her test yesterday and is also waiting for her call sign too.
This is getting to be a great group. ;)
Congratulations on your accomplishment.
My daughter just passed her test yesterday and is also waiting for her call sign too.
This is getting to be a great group. ;)
Tell her congratulations for me Terry!
Well done boys and girls, and the proud papa 8)
Passed my tech exam today, so no call sign yet. I have a Yaesu FT-7900R partially installed, but I'm not happy with the location, so it will be getting moved. I'll update with call sign when I get it.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Congrats Rik...let us know when you get your callsign so I can update things. 
Sent from Cygnus X-1
Congrats Rik...let us know when you get your callsign so I can update things. 
Sent from Cygnus X-1
Will do, I've been checking everyday.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Congrats! Let me know when you want to do a radio check.
Congrats! Let me know when you want to do a radio check.
As soon as my call sign hits the database.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Callsign: KA6YAK (formerly KK6YDH, but the the vanity sign fits so much better!)
License date: October 2015
Current radio set-up: Yaesu FT-60R, Yaesu 8800
Callsign: KA6YAK (formerly KK6YDH, but the the vanity sign fits so much better!)
License date: October 2015
Current radio set-up: Yaesu FT-60R, Yaesu 8800
AWESOME call sign!!! ;D ;D ;D
A little birdie told me CHUSA has a new call sign..... ::)
A little birdie told me CHUSA has a new call sign..... ::)
His had been updated...ill catch Cass' later today. 
Sent from Cygnus X-1
KK6ZKN. Woot!
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KK6ZKN. Woot!
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Zulu Kilo November...nice!!!
Sent from Cygnus X-1
Zulu Kilo November...nice!!!
Sent from Cygnus X-1
Yessir! I was thinking about going custom, but I kinda like it and I think I'll keep it. 8)
Congrats Rick
That's a good catch Rick, it's a keeper 8)
That's a good catch Rick, it's a keeper 8)
Agreed...sounds like a badass submarine class. 
Sent from Cygnus X-1
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Guess What I got Just Before Christmas??
Does this make me part of the Cool Club
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Guess What I got Just Before Christmas??
Does this make me part of the Cool Club
Jay, that is super awesome, CONGRATS buddy!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats. Now you can hang out with the cool kids. Ha-ha
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Dude, you have always been cool. Now you are a cool nerd lol
Well done! You are a inspiration to all who think that they are too cool for ham school 8)
Congrats Jay!
Congrats sir! :D
Nice work Jay!
Which radio are you going with?
Thanks Guys,
Talk about Anxiety, I hate Taking tests :(
I bought a handheld BAOFENG UV-5RA off Amazon
but now I want a proper one with outside antenna
Thanks Guys,
Talk about Anxiety, I hate Taking tests :(
I bought a handheld BAOFENG UV-5RA off Amazon
but now I want a proper one with outside antenna
You can make that thing a mobile with these items, just don't buy the cheap programming cable. Get the one that's about $20.
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Rick, I saw you mention that cheap cable on TNX.
You have to install the drivers for the cable and it should work fine.
Here's ( a good write up on it.
Also, check out Chirp ( for easy programming.
Rick, I saw you mention that cheap cable on TNX.
You have to install the drivers for the cable and it should work fine.
Here's ( a good write up on it.
Also, check out Chirp ( for easy programming.
Steve, thanks for that link. I actually already went through everything on that page and installed those drivers. For some reason, I still can't get my cable to work, it won't install correctly for some reason. I must've got the cable made by swing shift on a Friday night. Ha-ha
Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk
Does this make me part of the Cool Club
Hell yes...congrats Jay!
Sent from Cygnus X-1
congrats Jay.
Nice job Jay!
Jayrat...KK6ZMJ!!! Woot!!!
Sent from Cygnus X-1
I was so hesitant to give up my original call sign that I've had for 20 years (KF6QBY). But since it's really difficult to know who's who on the radio while out on the trail, I finally sprung for a vanity call. My new call sign is K6FAN, please update the list accordingly. O0
Also, for anyone considering a vanity call sign, the FCC decided in September that it cost more money to collect the fees than the fees actually generated, so now it's free. :D
Callsign: W6VIC
License date: December 2009
Current radio set-up: FT-8900 Quad band 2m/70c/6m/10m mobile currently installed in my Nissan Hardbody but I'm sure I'll move it to the Xterra soon. I also have a Kenwood TS-930S in a box. I used to have a nice shack setup but I moved almost 2 years ago and never found a good way to set up my wire antenna here at this house. :'(
We're talking about moving back to Riverside to be closer to work, so I'm not sure how much effort I want to put in to put up my wire.. But I do miss HF.. =(
Callsign: W6VIC
License date: December 2009
Current radio set-up: FT-8900 Quad band 2m/70c/6m/10m mobile currently installed in my Nissan Hardbody but I'm sure I'll move it to the Xterra soon. I also have a Kenwood TS-930S in a box. I used to have a nice shack setup but I moved almost 2 years ago and never found a good way to set up my wire antenna here at this house. :'(
We're talking about moving back to Riverside to be closer to work, so I'm not sure how much effort I want to put in to put up my wire.. But I do miss HF.. =(
Welcome...I'll add you to the list. Nice set up!
Welcome...I'll add you to the list. Nice set up!
Thanks! I don't really use my mobile rig much.. For some reason repeaters don't really do it for me. I like seeing how far I can get on simplex and HF. That's where the real fun goes. I've gotten into Portugal with just my wire and 100 watts. =)
I agree, repeaters are a great tool for staying connected locally. But the real fun is skipping the ionosphere direct. Auckland is the best that I've done.
I agree, repeaters are a great tool for staying connected locally. But the real fun is skipping the ionosphere direct. Auckland is the best that I've done.
Oh yeah.... well I once got all the way across a wash using J-Rat's son's Hulk walkie talkies so how do you like them apples?
Oh yeah.... well I once got all the way across a wash using J-Rat's son's Hulk walkie talkies so how do you like them apples?
Were you wearing your foil hat?? 

Sent from Cygnus X-1
Were you wearing your foil hat?? 

Sent from Cygnus X-1
Oh yeah I was. Double wrapped and insulated............. It kinda worked like a repeater.
Oh yeah I was. Double wrapped and insulated............. It kinda worked like a repeater.
Sent from Cygnus X-1
Sent from Cygnus X-1
Whhhoooooaaaaaa man, I really didn't think you guys had your cameras out.
Sent from Cygnus X-1
Is he a participant from Burning Man
Is he a participant from Burning Man
No brother that was the trip into that wash where I supplied you with copious amounts of liquid libations and snuck out when everyone was asleep and communicated with the Aliens that abducted PainRoller and FixItGuy who have only had sporadic sightings. Even with the sightings it has been rumored they aren't exactly right as PainRoller has once again been seen with a large steel pot on the top of her head mistakenly believing it's a Celt made Tinfoil hat of alien resistance.
My real concern is Soylent Green may yet become a reality, which would put a huge whammo on any further wheeling trips with this club. Thanks Geo.......... What's next a zombie apocalypse? ? ? ? ? ?
Nworker has passed his Ham Technician Test!!!
wwwhhhhooooo HHHHHoooooo!!!!!! :)
Callsign: KJ6PUG
License Date: 6/22/2011
Current Radio Setup: A couple of Baofeng handhelds, A couple homebrew QRP CW rigs on 80m and 10m
Have had my license for a number of years now, but haven't really been active. Would like to start making more contacts.
Currently looking for a good mobile rig for the XTerra, suggestions are welcome!
Callsign: KJ6PUG
License Date: 6/22/2011
Current Radio Setup: A couple of Baofeng handhelds, A couple homebrew QRP CW rigs on 80m and 10m
Have had my license for a number of years now, but haven't really been active. Would like to start making more contacts.
Currently looking for a good mobile rig for the XTerra, suggestions are welcome!
You looking to go dual band or just 2m?
"Jude" got his callsign!!!!
wwwhhhhooooo HHHHHoooooo!!!!!! :)
:D After a long wait to get my test posted in the FCC database, I am happy to say I am officially a ham. Yeah
My call sign: KM6BYK
I have applied for a vanity sign, so when I get one, I'll provide and update.
Currently I have a pair of Baofeng UV-5R V2+ radios
I'm looking to outfit the PiXterra with a nice radio and seeing suggestions.
:D After a long wait to get my test posted in the FCC database, I am happy to say I am officially a ham. Yeah
My call sign: KM6BYK
I have applied for a vanity sign, so when I get one, I'll provide and update.
Currently I have a pair of Baofeng UV-5R V2+ radios
I'm looking to outfit the PiXterra with a nice radio and seeing suggestions.
Awesome! You can take a look at my set up tomorrow, just get some ideas.
Maybe this dude ...?

Sent from Cygnus X-1
He's a NorCal dude with a Red X. He attended CANVAZ the time before last. Cool guy. Not very active here.
He's a NorCal dude with a Red X. He attended CANVAZ the time before last. Cool guy. Not very active here. in the studio/film industry IIRC.
Sent from Cygnus X-1
It's so cool seeing so many hams in sccx now!!
We've got to hit the trail!
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
New Thread for SCCX Field Day
Ordered my General study guide...time to get high...frequency. :D
Itd be really cool to have you with us to play radio for field day next year
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Itd be really cool to have you with us to play radio for field day next year
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Agreed Steven. 
Did you and the guys get together and DX?
Sent from Cygnus-X1
Tara and I just camped at a yellow post site and set up for field day. Made about 80 contacts but nothing any further than Canada. Antenna setup was simple this year but next time I was to string up an antenna with a height of at least 60+ feet. Should be able to go world wide on the low bands with that.
If people are interested, maybe we can plan a camping trip, do some wheeling and play radio before next field day.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
Tara and I just camped at a yellow post site and set up for field day. Made about 80 contacts but nothing any further than Canada. Antenna setup was simple this year but next time I was to string up an antenna with a height of at least 60+ feet. Should be able to go world wide on the low bands with that.
If people are interested, maybe we can plan a camping trip, do some wheeling and play radio before next field day.
Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
I have access to a place...that has camping/campfire access...and a tower (20 ft. I think @ 3,700 ft elevation)..and generator power.
Daphne and I are working on a clean up plan right now and some other improvements. When we are ready I'll set something up for the group.
80 contacts!! Cool!!
Callsign: KD6WQH
License date: Best guess, 1995?
Current radio set-up: Kenwood TM-281A 2m Mobile, Yaesu FT-51R HT, Yaesu FT-4700RH (failed mic, though)
Callsign: KD6WQH
Just got my vanity call!
Callsign: K6BOS
Good call Craig, WQH is a mouthful ;)
And after much prodding / poking....
Callsign: KM6WOC
License date: 30 October 2018 (Showed up in the data base)
Current radio set-up: Baofeng UV-5R (CHIRP user!!!)... Till I figure out which way I want to go.
No more jokes about smoke signals, carrier pigeons or throwing rocks to answer questions.... I hate you all! "73"
And after much prodding / poking....
Callsign: KM6WOC
License date: 30 October 2018 (Showed up in the data base)
Current radio set-up: Baofeng UV-5R (CHIRP user!!!)... Till I figure out which way I want to go.
No more jokes about smoke signals, carrier pigeons or throwing rocks to answer questions.... I hate you all! "73"
And after much prodding / poking....
Callsign: KM6WOC
License date: 30 October 2018 (Showed up in the data base)
Current radio set-up: Baofeng UV-5R (CHIRP user!!!)... Till I figure out which way I want to go.
No more jokes about smoke signals, carrier pigeons or throwing rocks to answer questions.... I hate you all! "73"
It has been my experience that rocks are quite an effective means of communication.
And after much prodding / poking....
Callsign: KM6WOC
License date: 30 October 2018 (Showed up in the data base)
Current radio set-up: Baofeng UV-5R (CHIRP user!!!)... Till I figure out which way I want to go.
No more jokes about smoke signals, carrier pigeons or throwing rocks to answer questions.... I hate you all! "73" sent me a different callsign in your PM. Which is it??
Welcome to the 'Cool Kids' club!
Let me shout it from the mountain tops....Oh, wait..... >:D O0
Let me shout it from the mountain tops....Oh, wait..... >:D O0
Hahahaha....... I somehow knew that was coming!!
Let me shout it from the mountain tops....Oh, wait..... >:D O0
Hahahaha....... I somehow knew that was coming!!
Hahahaha....... I somehow knew that was coming!!
(Erik: write your post outside of the little code markers) like THIS
Dumbass Erik ::)
Just taking a break from studying for the test and saw this post update. Hope to add to this list soon. Just starting the studying though.
Dumbass Erik ::)
Hey, I'm still trying to figure out what a "FIFY" is.......................
You guys are killing me... No really! LOL
And thank you all for the thanks... I am trying really hard to fit in.... LOL
Callsign: KM6GPB
License date: 20 JAN 2020
Current radio set-up: Baofeng UV-5R until I make my mind on a permanent unit (leaning towards Icom ID-5100 or Kenwood)