Southern California Club Xterra

Southern California Club Xterra => SCCX Xcursions => Topic started by: RBduffer on May 30, 2013, 02:44:37 PM

Title: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: RBduffer on May 30, 2013, 02:44:37 PM
Ultrapac is leading a run on the Cleghorn Trail on June 22 ;D
 LE4D=look elsewhere for details
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 06, 2013, 06:34:49 PM
OK Time for me to do some work.

Details of the trail on Dirtopia

The plan is to start at 9:30am sharp at the trail head (we will start on the 15 side) we will meet on the dirt lot on Cajon Blvd off Exit Cleghorn Rd. from there we will run to the power line area to wait for late arrival to catch up, then onto 34.321059,-117.430024 to have some two wheel drive fun in the mini woop section they have.  Once we are done there, the 2wd group if any will break off to go on the 2wd trail and the 4wd group back at 34.311513,-117.437981.  The trails will cross each other multiple time.  We will have lunch at one of the open area after pucker hill.  

Green trail is 2wd and red trail is 4x4
CB Channel 22 / HAM 145.500 I will bring my walkie talkie just in case.

ultrapc40 (+ F150, Cherokee x 2, LR3, TJ, Dodge 2500, landcruiser, ranger)
Adio Confirmed
cdagne confirm
DocNasty Confirmed
xxSVxx Maybe (depending on schedule and such)
BikersCage Tentative
CAWoody Confirmed
knightrider (+ TACO)
Brian (#2) Tentative (2wd)
Unbreakable Confirmed
DocNasty  Confirmed
sudingusnavy (+1 Dodge)

Enrique/ HenryPro11 Confirmed
Daniel/ CarJeep Confirmed
Carl/ sudingusnavy Confirmed
Paul  / SD_Frontier  Confirmed
glamisdude72000 (Tentative)
Tanner Hitchock confirmed

Please let me know if you are not listed above and you are thinking of going.  Once it gets closer, i will send out my number.

Please make sure  you are gassed up, bring fluids and food, I will bring my BBQ grill so you can cook a hot meal for lunch if you like.  If everyone is down, I can always just go get a giant pack of hotdogs and buns and everyone just bring a few bucks.  Just let me know.

Look forward to wheeling with you guys.
Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: knightrider on June 07, 2013, 06:51:55 PM
FYI for the people coming from the south, gas and food are available at the exit after cleghorn.  There is not much before it so you might want to leave a little earlier and gas/food up and back track to cleghorn for the 9am meet up time.

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Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: sudingusnavy on June 09, 2013, 10:43:15 AM
I may have a buddy in a Dodge Dakota coming as well.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 09, 2013, 06:51:27 PM
can I just get an idea on how's been to Cleghorn before?  If so, anyone ran the 2wd trail before that has a CB or radio of any kind?
Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: knightrider on June 09, 2013, 08:24:27 PM
I have been there a number of times.  I've never kept to the 2wd trail but from what I've seen its just a fire road

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Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: subsport on June 09, 2013, 09:40:25 PM
I'm a maybe -- even though the last time I ran Cleghorn in the X the side air bags went off.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: dan826 on June 10, 2013, 01:41:18 AM
I'm a maybe -- even though the last time I ran Cleghorn in the X the side air bags went off.

I'm definitely in for this one.  It helps if to go with people that have a good idea of the difficulties of some of the bypasses. Last time I went, there were a lot of stock rigs that got far into one of the bypasses before realizing it was too difficult for their setup. We had to get pretty creative to turn all those trucks around in the narrow trail.

Anyone know which fuse is the one you pull for the side air bags?
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 10, 2013, 06:15:28 AM
As far as I know there are two side shoot that is possible to pop an airbag. One is coined pucker hill, it's been closed for a while, due to too may roll overs. The other is the v notches. But if we start from the 15, we will see the gate keeper on the v notches. I have gone down it coming from the 138 side, but I know I am not equip to go up it from the 15 side. If a one is equip to do it they are welcome to, I will bring my Canada :)

I do recommend the 4x4 to take their step rails off of you have any, I have been here with stock Xterra w/o any issues expect for step rails

Another trail too look out for is the one that dead ends to nowhere. I am going to see if I can google earth it to mark it off. I am not a fan of turning a bunch of vehicles around hahaha
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: cdagne on June 10, 2013, 09:50:02 AM
You can change my status to confirmed.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: knightrider on June 10, 2013, 10:51:30 AM
The easiest way to disable airbags is to disconnect the seat sensors under the front seats. 
The reset procedure is also pretty painless as well.

I am in no way telling you that you should disable a safety item on your truck, if you don't feel comfortable disabling them, don't.  However if you don't disable them, and they deploy, also do not be surprised.  The government and other organizations have given motor vehicles a bad reputation for rolling over or crashing and causing injuries, this is leading the manufacturers to increase the sensitivity of the sensors and causing a lot of false deployments.  This is not just Nissan, all manufacturers are doing this for all vehicles.  Please note that operating a motor vehicle is dangerous.  [\legal rant]

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Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Adio. on June 10, 2013, 06:31:09 PM
I'm bringing 2 FRS radios just incase someone else needs some comms.
Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: dan826 on June 11, 2013, 08:59:37 AM
The easiest way to disable airbags is to disconnect the seat sensors under the front seats. 
The reset procedure is also pretty painless as well.

What's the reset procedure?
Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: knightrider on June 11, 2013, 11:32:09 AM
Turn the key to run, the airbag light will illuminate, wait for it to begin flashing, within 3 seconds, turn off the ignition.  Rinse and repeat until the light no longer flashes, supposed to be 3 cycles but I normally have to do 4.

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Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: SD_Frontier on June 11, 2013, 01:03:18 PM
My 05 Frontier doesnt have side curtain air bags. Is this an issue with just the side curtain airbags?  No one has heard of the front airbags deploying due to the truck being off camber, correct?
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 12, 2013, 12:33:45 PM
As far as I know it's the side only. Gil's frontier blew his sides, not his fronts.
Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: knightrider on June 12, 2013, 05:05:10 PM
No the fronts will not deploy from being off camber but my friends did deploy when he hit the lower control arm on a rock out in a wash in the desert.   Broke the windshield, locked all the seatbelts and the shop told him his frame was damaged.

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Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: SoCalXTerry on June 12, 2013, 06:48:57 PM
No the fronts will not deploy from being off camber but my friends did deploy when he hit the lower control arm on a rock out in a wash in the desert.   Broke the windshield, locked all the seatbelts and the shop told him his frame was damaged.

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What was he doing 40 MPH?
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 12, 2013, 08:12:42 PM
Ya we won't be doing any of that.  But! If you have RC cars bring them. I will be bring my fleet to goof around at lunch and at the flat sections.
Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: knightrider on June 13, 2013, 12:25:24 AM
No he was doing 10-15 mph

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Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Toro on June 13, 2013, 08:20:54 AM
Front airbags are on a "G" Sensor. Any nasty hard impact may set them off.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 13, 2013, 01:43:09 PM
It appears a number of members will be making the trek from SD. So I moved the start time to 9:30am.

Enjoy your beauty sleep. :)
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: SD_Frontier on June 13, 2013, 08:50:12 PM
Thanks Spencer. Doesn't make a whole lot of difference, since I'm up with the sun, but I will take the extra time to spend with my little girl.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: DocNasty on June 14, 2013, 07:03:22 PM
My CB is being difficult, and my skids won't be here in time, but It should still be a great time. Looking forward to this!
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 15, 2013, 04:43:10 PM
One of my friend got mixed up and went up to
Cleghorn today. Trails are open. He got in at 10, got out at 130. Trails are open, but busy today.

I am excited for next weekend.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: SD_Frontier on June 15, 2013, 07:03:05 PM
3.5 hours for one rig.

With this large a group, it could be closer to 5 hours.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: SoCalXTerry on June 15, 2013, 08:05:12 PM
3.5 hours for one rig.

With this large a group, it could be closer to 5 hours.

Especially if anyone wants to stop and play on anything
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 15, 2013, 10:23:31 PM
Everyone get a go pro. We won't be stopping for pictures. I think he took his time since he was along.... He thought it was this weekend....
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Unbreakable on June 16, 2013, 05:46:16 PM
so just to clarify, we should disable side airbags but we will be avoiding the more difficult trails anyway? or disable cuz we will be taking on those trails?

thank you!

Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: knightrider on June 16, 2013, 06:01:06 PM
You can't just disable the sides, its all or nothing. But yes if you tilt your truck too far over, the sides could deploy, better to disable them.

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Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 17, 2013, 06:35:43 AM
As for today I count a total of 24 confirmed. Due to the group being large I will likely send my friends up first, this way it will keep trail traffic down. Those that have not confirm, please chime in.

In regarded to the side airbag deployment. I have taken 2nd gen Xterra before from 15 to 138 w/o any issues. I never taken an Xterra the other way which tends to be more challenging. You will almost always be able to see what is coming up before you enter the 4x4 trails. As long as we all give each other room and ask for a spot when we are not comfortable you should run into any problem. This is a great trail to test your technicle skills on tire placement.

Lunch. So how does everyone want to do lunch?
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Adio. on June 17, 2013, 07:52:53 PM
I plan on packing my own lunch. But if we all wanted to bring a little something I'd be down for that too.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: SD_Frontier on June 17, 2013, 08:01:34 PM
I'm down to pitch in for lunch or pot luck it. Might be easier for everyone (harder for Spencer) if one person got the stuff then we all paid that person back.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: henrypro11 on June 18, 2013, 05:18:46 PM
I believe spencer is bring a grill and I will bring 30 or so hotdogs.
Some cokes(24cans) and Daniel is bringing more hot dogs and desert

If you could chop in or donate a buck or two that would also help

Where you want to have the big feast?
For lunch or at the lake?

Also I'm bringing my wife's stock keep liberty 4x4
It did rattlesnake with proper spotting..
You guys think green or red trail?
Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: DannyX on June 18, 2013, 06:25:09 PM
I am a maybe for this run.

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Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: cdagne on June 20, 2013, 02:08:22 PM
I have a small grill I can bring to help out with the grilling.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: dan826 on June 21, 2013, 12:11:49 AM
As for today I count a total of 24 confirmed. Due to the group being large I will likely send my friends up first, this way it will keep trail traffic down. Those that have not confirm, please chime in.

In regarded to the side airbag deployment. I have taken 2nd gen Xterra before from 15 to 138 w/o any issues. I never taken an Xterra the other way which tends to be more challenging. You will almost always be able to see what is coming up before you enter the 4x4 trails. As long as we all give each other room and ask for a spot when we are not comfortable you should run into any problem. This is a great trail to test your technicle skills on tire placement.

Lunch. So how does everyone want to do lunch?

Put me down as confirmed as well.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 21, 2013, 06:13:12 AM
See everyone tomorrow. My number is~
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: SD_Frontier on June 21, 2013, 06:17:48 AM
Is the meet spot on the west side of the highway?
Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: knightrider on June 21, 2013, 07:31:42 AM
With this many people I think yes.  The east side does not have enough space

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Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Odinson on June 21, 2013, 09:26:45 AM
With this many people I think yes.  The east side does not have enough space

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That's a good problem to have.  8)
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Unbreakable on June 21, 2013, 09:41:29 AM
just saw the op.. nm thank you!
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: xxSVxx on June 21, 2013, 10:20:54 AM
officially out  :(

dumb family gathering   :'(
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: dan826 on June 21, 2013, 08:56:51 PM
officially out  :(

dumb family gathering   :'(

Bring them all along. They can do the 2wd trail
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 21, 2013, 10:18:28 PM
Ok I got my grill a case of water and chips. I heard the frontier guys have 60 or so hotdogs
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 22, 2013, 07:24:34 PM
Great people, great trip even greater fun! Looking forward for the next time.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Dennis2013 on June 22, 2013, 07:56:45 PM
Where are the pics and vids?
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: CAWoody on June 22, 2013, 08:17:09 PM
WOW!  What a great day!  I can't thank Spencer and the other SCf folks for leading the trail, spotting and generally having a great time.  If someone can tell me hao to download pictures and videos onto the post, i can show what I have.

Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Dennis2013 on June 22, 2013, 08:29:54 PM
I host mine on a site like or There is an insert image button you click while posting and you copy and paste the direct link to the picture in between the IMG tags.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Adio. on June 22, 2013, 08:38:08 PM
I love this trail! I even have a nice dent running along my passenger side to remember it by. ;D

Thanks for pointing that out Jordan. I probably would've had no clue till I got home to my mom pissed off about it.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: HEVAK on June 22, 2013, 09:02:55 PM
I love this trail! I even have a nice dent running along my passenger side to remember it by. ;D

Thanks for pointing that out Jordan. I probably would've had no clue till I got home to my mom pissed off about it.

Sorry about the body damage! How did it happen?
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 22, 2013, 09:23:49 PM
No one knows. And one dodge ram has the exact same damage.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 22, 2013, 09:25:23 PM
I would post pics and videos, but my laptop decided it didn't want to connect to my network... It might decide to jump out the window soon....

Lets see how hard it is to do this on the ipad
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Adio. on June 22, 2013, 09:29:50 PM
Sorry about the body damage! How did it happen?

No clue! I was totally oblivious to it till Jordan pointed it out. But hey it's not bad, doesn't bother me at least.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: DocNasty on June 22, 2013, 09:52:02 PM
Today was a blast, thanks to everyone who helped spot through the tight spots. Ill post the videos my buddy took as soon as he gets them over to me.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: SD_Frontier on June 23, 2013, 07:51:18 AM
Great run. Great people. Spencer did a great job of leading the group.

I didn't bring a camera and my phone was too full of pictures of my daughter. I do have GoPro video that I need to edit.

Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Unbreakable on June 23, 2013, 12:05:31 PM
thank you to everyone who made yesterday a success! my gf and I had a blast, we couldn't stop talking about how we were sure the xterra was gonna tip over on more than one occasion lol

special thanks to Tim for guiding a newbie the whole day and making sure I was comfortable, Spencer for all the spots and putting this together.. Chris and others for all the great food...

definitely need a break but excited for the next one

here's one picture I took of Tim getting some 3-wheel motion

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Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on June 24, 2013, 09:04:14 PM
So ya with the new rear set up, I will need to trim my rear fenders big time. I bent a lot of sheet metal,hahaa

Looks like I will be doing a garage day.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Adio. on July 01, 2013, 11:05:24 PM
Soooo uhh my parents finally noticed the body damage on the passenger side hahaha. Jordan you're right... my mom was pissed. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE HAS A DENT IN HIS SIDE!? A DENT!? HOW!?" "I really have no clue" "How do you have no clue!?" "Seriously mom, I have no clue!"

I don't think they believed me haha.
Title: Re: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: knightrider on July 01, 2013, 11:08:46 PM
Haha, soo does this mean no more cookies for mod days?

Not sent with the stupid auto guide app
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Adio. on July 01, 2013, 11:17:13 PM
Hahaha I think we're still good on the cookies.
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: ultrapc40 on July 02, 2013, 08:35:10 AM
You should see when I got my shrock stuff. Took my parents two weeks to find out hahaha. The rocker dent 2 years. But by then they gave up on caring about my truck lol
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: xxSVxx on July 02, 2013, 09:16:25 AM
Hahaha I think we're still good on the cookies.


I, for one, was worried for a moment....
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: Adio. on July 02, 2013, 12:41:25 PM
You should see when I got my shrock stuff. Took my parents two weeks to find out hahaha. The rocker dent 2 years. But by then they gave up on caring about my truck lol

I was really hoping they wouldn't notice so I could go to the Dent Dr. and get it fixed and they'd never know, but after I got home from installing the SL they wanted to check it out and that's when they saw.

My mom actually saw the "chicks dig body damage" earlier yesterday, but didn't see the damage above it ahaha.

"Don't worry guys, it'll buff out"
Title: Re: Cleghorn Trail Run June 22
Post by: RBduffer on July 05, 2013, 09:02:15 PM
So sorry I was out of town for this one :-[  I always like Cleghorn, and yes it's where I got my first kiss... from a boulder to the right front fender :-*  I need to see those pics guys!