Southern California Club Xterra
Southern California Club Xterra => SCCX Xcursions => Topic started by: SoCalXTerry on June 12, 2013, 07:21:25 PM
Apologetically, I have to postpone this AAT cleanup run to next Saturday July 6, 2013.
Meeting place: Discovery Center and we will be pulling out at 0900
Communications: CB 17 / Ham 146.535
My intent for this run will be to see what we can accomplish on our AAT Trail Plan. Including fixing culverts, slashing illegal trails, breaking up fire rings, etc.
I believe the shooting areas on 2N02 will be closed to shooting because of fire hazard, so we will effect what ever cleanup we can on those.
I would like to check out our "wrecked car" and see if we can formulate a definitive plan (Equipment, manpower, etc) to get it out.
Now I know that this is the 4th of July weekend and any of you that have plans for the beach or other destinations have a tremendous time. But to those that don't have plans and want to get to the mountains what an opportunity.
I will be camping at San Gorgonio Campground (On highway 38) from July 3rd PM to July 7th. If there is anybody who would like to get out wheeling in the Big Bear Area anytime during that period let me know. As I'm sure you all know I am willing and able to doing anything from mild to wild.
So please let me know if anyone is interested.
Put me down as a maybe. Hittin' Cleghorn on the 22nd and I have to clear it with the boss to do consecutive Saturdays.
Count Tom and me in
I shall be there.
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Perfect! I can check out my new PRG kit on the trail and help out. PM me if you need my cell number to coordinate.
Nick and I want to come Terry but we might not be able to make it. Taylor's birthday party is on Sunday and we have to prep for it. if we can make it work, we will be there for part of the day. Put Nick, Tay and I down as a maybe.
Nick and I want to come Terry but we might not be able to make it. Taylor's birthday party is on Sunday and we have to prep for it. if we can make it work, we will be there for part of the day. Put Nick, Tay and I down as a maybe.
Hey totally understand Shi no problem.
Where in, should I bring some tools to try and piece it out of there? I also have a small trailer I can hall behind me for bigger section of it.
Where in, should I bring some tools to try and piece it out of there? I also have a small trailer I can hall behind me for bigger section of it.
Great Chris. How big is the trailer? We may have to move some rocks around and there is part of refrigerator we need to get out and I'm sure there is more to do that the trailer would help with.
Great Chris. How big is the trailer? We may have to move some rocks around and there is part of refrigerator we need to get out and I'm sure there is more to do that the trailer would help with.
I have a small 3 dirt bike trail with the plywood in the middle, I can borrow my neighbors trailer which is a full size car trailer.
Actually I think the small one will do us. If we pick up the refer and any other big stuff we will need to figure out what to do with it.
Apologetically, I have to postpone this AAT cleanup run to next Saturday July 6, 2013.
Meeting place: Discovery Center and we will be pulling out at 0900
Communications: CB 17 / Ham 146.535
My intent for this run will be to see what we can accomplish on our AAT Trail Plan. Including fixing culverts, slashing illegal trails, breaking up fire rings, etc.
I believe the shooting areas on 2N02 will be closed to shooting because of fire hazard, so we will effect what ever cleanup we can on those.
I would like to check out our "wrecked car" and see if we can formulate a definitive plan (Equipment, manpower, etc) to get it out.
Now I know that this is the 4th of July weekend and any of you that have plans for the beach or other destinations have a tremendous time. But to those that don't have plans and want to get to the mountains what an opportunity.
I will be camping at San Gorgonio Campground (On highway 38) from July 3rd PM to July 7th. If there is anybody who would like to get out wheeling in the Big Bear Area anytime during that period let me know. As I'm sure you all know I am willing and able to doing anything from mild to wild.
So please let me know if anyone is interested.
I am in for 7/6/2013 :D
I am in for 7/6/2013 :D
Great see you then
How wide is the trail. Maybe I can bring the Ram
How wide is the trail. Maybe I can bring the Ram
So HOW wide is the Ram?
3/4 ton with tow mirrors. Not sure how wide. But it does have lockers
Hey that would be no problem. We could take a semi down 2N02 and 2N01. Some of the side routes would be difficult but they are completely optional.
Count us in for this weekend Terry. Barring any child sickness, we will be there.
Great Shi. I'm looking forward to see you all.
I wanna come, but time restraints are the only thing holding me back. What time would we be done?
Terry, I think i have the wife convinced to go out there with me and get dirty. I really want to come check out the trail.
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I wanna come, but time restraints are the only thing holding me back. What time would we be done?
Depending on how much "playing" we do we can be done as early 2-3 P.M.
Bring lunch, plenty of water (It will be hot) and sun protection.
Please, if you have them, bring a Shovel, rake, pick, scoop shovel, virtually any landscape tool. Bring work gloves, we are going to have to work on breaking up a few fire pits and picking up all sorts of debris.
My cell number: (Seven One Four) two seven one - three five seven one
CB 17 / Ham 146.535
Hey Terry,
I am still a go for the 6th, am I still bring the trailer?
Don't think I can make this one. Might have spent a little too much on new toys this month. I blame Danny for having a sale hahaha
I'll be there!
Tom and I will see you up there.
Add me and a friend! We'll meet you at the discovery center at 9!!
Hey Terry,
I just got back in town and can't make it, but thanks for making it happen and thanks to all of you for helping.
Have fun safe and please post pics when you get back. :)
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Hello Terry, thank you so much for a great day and for arranging all the details, everything was just excellent
Had a great time today Terry. Today's team did an amazing job of clean up plus the cool down rain coming down felt good. Look forward to the next time :D
Well we had a great day, thanks to all that came out and WORKED SO DAMN HARD!!!!! I genuinely had fun and hope you all did too.
We cleared out 2-3 clogged culverts, cleaned two illegal dump sites and did a fantastic job on the Arrastre #1 Shooting area (Which is closed due to the Fire Hazard)
I know John.. Pictures or it didn't happen:
The gang!!! Please note Harley in his official AAT headgear: ;D
A couple tired workers:
Finally got it loaded up, now what to do with it:
Wow Terry & Co.!
Nice job and thank you for picking up the AAT ball and running with it.
Excellent pictures. Do you mind if I post a few up to the SCCX Facebook page?
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please do