Southern California Club Xterra
Southern California Club Xterra => Off Topic => Topic started by: Ghost65 on January 24, 2011, 07:14:09 AM
Hey guys (and gals), lets throw some support for fellow SCCX Member, Oz Trad, who is in the running over on for Truck of The Year Honors. ;D
He is facing some serious competition from Bryan Newcomer (Rook), so if you can log on and place a vote so we can "swing" things our way, I think it would be great exposure for SCCX and a fantastic way to show support for a long standing Member of SCCX!
Only a couple of weeks to place the votes, so jump on the link below and lets kick things into high gear!!
Besides the fact oz is a member here. I think he does have one of the best looking Xs over ther! That's also why my vote went to Oz
Hey guys (and gals), lets throw some support for fellow SCCX Member, Oz Trad, who is in the running over on for Truck of The Year Honors. ;D
He is facing some serious competition from Bryan Newcomer (Rook), so if you can log on and place a vote so we can "swing" things our way, I think it would be great exposure for SCCX and a fantastic way to show support for a long standing Member of SCCX!
Only a couple of weeks to place the votes, so jump on the link below and lets kick things into high gear!!
Wow - Thanks John and Kyle! I appreciate the help; how about everyone just go over there and vote for whatever they think is the best photo/truck! The more votes the better - doesn't have to be for me! With support like this I feel Ive already won :)
Just put my vote in as #15! :)
I've read over what work has went into building the truck, and it's definitely an inspiration on what's possible with the X. Bryan has a beast of a truck, too.
As a lowly first gen driver, I will vote for you in spirit.
I voted Oz for Prezident! ;D
Having met both Bryan and Oz in person, they are great guys and have awesome Xterra's.
Their builds should be inspiration to us all, as they really help to promote how truly capable Xterra's can be out on the trail. :)
It would still be cool to have an SCCX Member take this... 8)
I don't "get" some of the winning photos ... at all. :-\
I don't "get" some of the winning photos ... at all. :-\
Thanks for the vote Paul...c'mon everyone we trail the lead vote getter by ONE vote!
Wow its close! Thanks guys! Means a lot
Down by SIX! Log on and VOTE!!!
Sorry i was late for the party, I just signed up and voted. ;D
I thought they frown upon river crossings and mud shots... so by default, the winner is OZ! 8)
Yeah, I hear that....but to Bryan's credit it was low accounting for Treading Lightly! ;)
Registered and voted
Registered and voted
Thanks of right now, it is 35 to 34...Oz with a slim lead.
Pretty cool seeing this much support...nice job fellow SCCX Members!
Pretty cool seeing this much support...nice job fellow SCCX Members!
Its very cool - Im not worthy!
I disagree...having met you in person and seeing the build of your truck up close, plus you took a great picture Oz, which at the end of the day combined with an epic ride is what Truck of The Year is all about.
I have to admit it has been fun watching the Battle Between Light vs. Dark, as Rook puts it.
I couldn't think of two guys who better exemplify the spectrum of what makes a great Xterra, and a great Xterra Owner! ;D
Okay folks, as of 6:15 am PST, Oz and Rook are tied at 38 votes over on's Truck of The Year Poll! What a great contest!
I will PM a few more of you today to try to Rock the Vote, and a HUGE thanks to those of you who mosied over and posted your support for Oz and his great snow shot!
To cast your vote, go here >>>>>>>>>>
Thanks to all who helped, and voted for their favorite!
John, GhostX
11 SCCX Members have cast their votes, definitely the swing for sure!
Thanks to all those who participated! Looking good right now, 42 to 37!
John, you should consider a career as a political organizer/agitator.
There was actually another photo that I liked better, and a few I didn't get at all, but I did vote for Oz.
John, you should consider a career as a political organizer/agitator.
There was actually another photo that I liked better, and a few I didn't get at all, but I did vote for Oz.
Thanks Frank! Which photo did you like better? I didnt even vote for my own photo. Wish I did now! its really close 42-41
NOW tied at 45/each - NAILBITER! :o
Thanks Frank, it was a valiant effort, however Rook/Bryan Newcomer and the East Coast Crew prevailed.
Rook: 51 Votes ;D
Oz: 48 Votes :-\
A BIG THANK YOU to all who participated, still a fantastic effort for our friend and fellow SCCX Member, Oz Trad. I agree Frank, there were other photos that I fancied, but Oz's was a home team favorite and for me peronally brought back great memories of my first SCCX Xcursion to Rattlesnake Canyon.
Thanks again everyone for rallying, a great effort by the SCCX Membership!! 8)
Thanks Frank! Which photo did you like better? I didnt even vote for my own photo. Wish I did now! its really close 42-41
As far as pictures go I liked 06XSE probably the best, followed by Creek. They were both rather simple and showed the truck(s) in sort of an exploration mode (if that makes any sense). That just seemed to be more of what I identify with. I'm sure Rook is a great guy and all, but I just don't see that photo as being the top one. Maybe I'm just looking at it the wrong way . . . I guess it's really a competition of whose truck has the best mods etc.
All that said, yours was a good photo though - I did like it.
As far as pictures go I liked 06XSE probably the best, followed by Creek. They were both rather simple and showed the truck(s) in sort of an exploration mode (if that makes any sense). That just seemed to be more of what I identify with. I'm sure Rook is a great guy and all, but I just don't see that photo as being the top one. Maybe I'm just looking at it the wrong way . . . I guess it's really a competition of whose truck has the best mods etc.
All that said, yours was a good photo though - I did like it.
I agree, as it has become a popularity contest in some of the voting over on I really did like Oz's photo, and thought it was much more worthy from a photogenic standpoint than Rook's. I agree also that there are a host of reasons for choosing particular photos. I think it might serve them to set some guidlines as how photos should be chosen, more as an idea of what to look for....but what do I know? ::)
I agree, as it has become a popularity contest in some of the voting over on I really did like Oz's photo, and thought it was much more worthy from a photogenic standpoint than Rook's. I agree also that there are a host of reasons for choosing particular photos. I think it might serve them to set some guidlines as how photos should be chosen, more as an idea of what to look for....but what do I know? ::)
BTW John thanks again for spearheading the support! Meant a lot!
NP Oz, it was fun! ;D
Sorry I missed this =(