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SCCX Xcursions / 2022 Mountain Rendezvous
« Last post by Celt on May 27, 2022, 08:07:29 PM »
SCCX Display Case / Re: RikRong's BluX build...Sshhiinnyyy....
« Last post by Celt on May 24, 2022, 07:09:57 PM »
Based on those pictures the wheeling certainly does seem to be a lot different. I'm sure a lot of fun though with lots of beautiful green scenery. Those tires look really nice, hopefully you will get a lot of miles out of them. Keep posting up as it's good to hear what you are up to!!
SCCX Display Case / Re: RikRong's BluX build...Sshhiinnyyy....
« Last post by Jayrat on May 24, 2022, 05:50:31 PM »
Looks awesome Rik >:D
SCCX Display Case / Re: RikRong's BluX build...Sshhiinnyyy....
« Last post by RikRong on May 24, 2022, 08:33:22 AM »
That same weekend in Gilbert, I put a huge slice in my already low tread BFGs.  I was hoping to wait a few more months to replace them, but that cut forced my hand.  Time for some meat....

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SCCX Display Case / Re: RikRong's BluX build...Sshhiinnyyy....
« Last post by RikRong on May 24, 2022, 08:15:40 AM »
Finally made it out on a real trip, for the first time after I moved back to North Dakota.  I met up with group of Nissan owners based around the Twin Cities area and headed up to the Iron Range area near Gilbert, MN.  It was awesome, but definitely a little different than wheeling in SoCal. 

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SCCX General Discussion / Re: Adopt A Trail Inquiry
« Last post by Jayrat on May 18, 2022, 03:51:30 PM »
Thank you for forwarding this to us JT  >:D
SCCX General Discussion / Re: Xterra Group
« Last post by cdagne on May 18, 2022, 09:01:49 AM »
I'm pretty sure that's a FB or IG group, if I remember correctly.

Thank you
SCCX General Discussion / Re: Xterra Group
« Last post by cdagne on May 18, 2022, 09:01:37 AM »
If you want to start wheeling again post up in here. While things have gone fairly quiet over the last year or two there are still lot's of folks who get together and get out fairly regularly.
Agreed, but to get interest picking up maybe cross posting to get the mojo going again?
SCCX General Discussion / Adopt A Trail Inquiry
« Last post by Ghost65 on May 18, 2022, 07:17:38 AM »
As a courtesy, I'm sharing this email sent regarding the past invovlement of SCCX...let me know via PM if anyone is interested in moving forward with the program.  If there is no interest, let me know also, and I will reply in kind.  Hope this message finds you all well.  :)

I'm trying to find points of contact for the San Bernardino National Forest (SBNF) Adopt-A-Trail program.  I am combing through several lists I've received, and SoCal Xterra is listed as the adoptee for 2N02 (Arrastre Creek). 

As you may know, when the Program Ranger Greg departed, and then the COVID situation hit, the program suffered greatly.  Several clubs are attempting to get this program started again, and I'm trying to get a grip on where the program stands.  Does SoCal Xterra still have interest in participating in the Adopt-A-Trail program?  We are making significant progress in bringing the program back online.  I currently have you listed as the point of contact for SoCal Xterra.  If you are not the correct person to contact, would it be possible for you to point me in the right direction?  If SoCal Xterra is still interested in taking part in the program, we would greatly appreciate your participation.  I hope you'll join us in keeping these trails open for everyone to enjoy.

Nick Clark
MyJeepRocks Trail Crew
3N93 Holcomb Creek Tr.
SCCX General Discussion / Re: Xterra Group
« Last post by RikRong on May 17, 2022, 06:58:50 AM »
Meet some guys that were at pilot rock this past Saturday from Southern California Nissan 4x4.  I wwas trying to find the website, but not able to.  If anyone knows anything about them, please let me know, would like to start wheeling gain.
I'm pretty sure that's a FB or IG group, if I remember correctly.

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