Hah! So I decided to get down to some business with these 4 days off!
I was losing a lot of power (almost all of it) especially when trying to gas up quick. It turned out not to be the spur gear or slipper clutch!
Off everything came!

So the culprit had to be on the other side. Connecting to the dog bones!

There she is the differential is losing power someplace because all of the other gears are in correctly.
You cannot tell but even with minimal amount of rounding these gears will suck!

So i loaded it with a shit load of grease and tightened it back together as hard as i could to see if i could get some last life out of her. (New one is 30 bucks at the hobby store)
Now where do all of these screws go!

Put it all back together... low and behold I had two extra! I guess i could save and cut cost and design better than those real mechanics!
Still same nasty sound and slipping... Although I am still sure its the DIFF. Maybe tomorrow I will go mess with the slipper clutch and the other gears...
Or just take out the Savage and run it into dogs!
P.S. Who wants me to work on their xterra!