This is the time of year for wildflowers, and Anza Borrego Desert State Park is always a good place to go look for them. We went out there on Sunday with some friends.
In addition to the usual ground flowers, the cactus were flowering nicely, as were some of the larger plants like the ocotillo.
Since people always like to see photos of the trucks, I'll throw in a few of those too. These are in the very south end of Inspiration Wash, where it passes alongside the sand dunes just north of the dump.
It turns out that the dunes have taken over a good part of what was the trail, producing some very soft sand and off-camber spots in a few places.
We stopped at Hawk Canyon (just off Buttes Pass Road) for lunch, and ended up in a sort of WTF situation. There were these not-so-little caterpillars crawling around, and after a bit we realized that there were quite a few of them, and that they were munching their way through the wildflowers. They moved surprisingly quickly actually.
Up close they are really weird looking. They reminded me of the sort of thing you would see in those mid-50's monster movies.
Other than the flower-devouring caterpillars munching their way across Hawk Canyon, it was a pretty nice day out there.
Click here to see a few more pictures.