...and instead of beating the dead horse here, and mocking the efforts of a dude draped in netting, further glorifying his glory hole...which is the center of that narcissistic forum universe we all live in...
...I'd like to try to put a positive spin on why we are all here:
To post, lightly organize, and "run/run's"...how does that happen exactly?
I've seen it for years, done it for small groups, big groups (37 vehicles through Rattlesnake Canyon, no fist fights or flat tires

) and led countless groups across Moab slickrock...but how exactly, does "leading the trail" work, beyond posting the "What: Where: When: Who: How: " lists on a forum post.
I firmly believe that preparation and patience are the critical ingredients, as well as experience. Acting like you've been there, when, well, you have actually been there.
And resisting the narcissistic urge to post every development, wrinkle, map update, toilet stop, etc. has a lot to do with that. It's one thing to post pictures of the ammo that you "might use" when you face a bear, or to spool your winch line on a trail because you can...but to actually see bears and live to tell about it, or use that winch successfully and remain calm while doing so...there is a gulf the size of Mexico between those two scenarios of keyboard reality vs. blood pumping smell the fear reality. But I digress....
Preparation and patience.
What do you guys think makes a good trail leader?