zzxrox, I didn't have a problem with it on my X, but I've seen people having issues with breaking things on the heater core if it's not disconnected properly, so that's one thing.
Make sure you liberally spray all the bolts with PB blaster a couple times a week or so in advance, maybe even trying to break some of them loose and then re-tightening them along the way to make things go faster.
When you work with the steering column, be sure to tighten the steering wheel down snugly so it doesn't move. When you adjust the length of the column along the splines, have enough coverage on the splines on both sides of the universal joint connector.
Unbolt the power steering reservoir before lifting, and keep an eye on the air intake and everything else inside the engine bay during the lift.
If I remember correctly, there is some tubing on the passenger's side of the frame that should be looked out for during the lift as well.
Take out all the bolts on one side (seven per side), and loosen the bolts on the other side. Lift evenly on one side first, get all the pucks in on that side, and hand tighten that side only for now. Then go to the other side, insert the pucks, hand tighten, then fully then bolts in an alternating pattern across both sides of the truck, kind of like a valve cover.
Remove both bumpers before the lift.
Underneath, remove the driveshaft safety loop.
And after everything is done, be sure to recheck the torque on the bolts around 50-100 miles down the road.
It's been a while since I've done the lift, but those should be most of the main points.