Charge For Woman, 62, Who Drove SUV Into Golf Course PondBeth Anne Olvera Failed A Field Sobriety Test After The AccidentPOSTED: 6:32 pm PDT March 30, 2010
UPDATED: 7:19 pm PDT March 30, 2010CHULA VISTA, Calif. -- A 62-year-old woman is sitting behind bars for driving her SUV into a South Bay pond. Beth Anne Olvera was arrested for driving under the influence before dawn Tuesday morning, and crashing her SUV into the Chula Vista golf course.
The SUV is gone but the damage remains: a palm tree has clearly been knocked down and a chain link fence is damaged after a woman drove her SUV through an intersection into a golf course.
The incident occurred at about 4:30 Tuesday morning. That's when the driver of the Nissan SUV wasn't able to navigate her left hand turn from Otay Lakes Road onto Bonita Road and, instead, drove straight into a pond.
The woman ditched her car in about four feet of muddy water at the Chula Vista Municipal Golf Course. Her vehicle was a mess for the tow truck operators to retrieve and tow after it sat partially submerged with airbags deployed, for more than an hour.
The driver was found more than a block away after she and her male passenger were found near a McDonalds.
Chula Vista police gave 62-year-old Beth Anne Olvera a field sobriety test but she didn't pass. She was handcuffed, put in the back of a patrol car and was charged with driving under the influence.
The crash was the talk of the area for walkers and golfers
"I would have liked to have seen the SUV in the water. I should have come earlier," walker Jim Long said. "She must have been pretty well inebriated, I imagine."
In addition to driving under the influence, Chula Vista police said they will also charge her for leaving the scene of the accident.
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