I've got a lot of life going on ... I'm taking care of recent widow helping her move, buy a home, and get settled. I'm working three jobs which is one more than normal ... and just have so much going on.
I did do a recon on the Bradshaw trail running from Powerline road west to Bombay and stopping about halfway for some white knuckle action up in a trail running up into the hills. The recent rain storm had hit that area east of the Salton Sea with some good rain and the trails near the Salton Sea were torn way up.
We do the walk through on the new house next week, close shortly thereafter, and then I get to move her and do all the "Home Depot" weekends putting up curtains, buying appliances/furniture/everything. November is prime desert trip time and I'm bummed. If I can break a weekend free I need to do the Mojave before that darn dry lake isn't again.