Well a Saturday morning update of the travails of Terry:
This is a picture of what was left of my coilover:

Note: The bent Shock body and the welded shock shaft.
KUDOS TO: RADFLO for piecing together a bent broken Coilover( The complemented the welding job and admitted they had never seen anything quite like that)
Russ and Mike (The recovery crew from San Diego 4Wheelers) who got me out of a very tenuous situation (In a 20 foot wide waterfall can't go
forward, backward or turn around on my own) and performed the surgery on the coilover to get me home.
And this is a picture of the diff end of the passenger CV half shaft:

This is actually what it supposed to look like minus the popsicle stick:

NOTE: The little popsicle looking thing is the end of the CV Shaft that was stuck in the axle.
KUDOS TO: Once he stopped laughing

My friend Toro his creativity, ingenuity and willingness to hang in there to the bitter end made all
this happen.
And to Dan826 who offered up his R180 CV shafts.
I guess bottom line my X is operational again at least highway-wise. I'm going to get out somewhere soon to make sure the 4 wheel drive and lockers work but we are really confident that every thing is back to whatever state of abnormalcy

that I represent.
Thanks again to everybody who helped get me through this ordeal.