SoCalX_tl11: So glad to have met you. Say it and I'll be there
RBduffer:Glad to have met you Randy (too many Randy's!) look forward to seeing you again
Toro: I've already said it, I''ll follow you and eat your dust anytime
Mark: Ate your dust too, be happy to do it again (soon I hope)
I've got some pretty good video too plus about 100 stills. Will post vid on facebook and leak the stills onto websites 10 or so at a time.
Terry, remember" patience my ass I want to kill something" ( there is awesome video and audio to go with this )
All in all guys, great time. Anytime anyplace with you guys
Randy(aka Randalf1 aka R3 because there are too many Randy MF's out there
I do like Randy as a verb as used in Europe , fits most of the Randys I have met