Did you get a spot randy? I think I grabbed the last one and I'm going to be with a guy named randy from just runs. Some other the other opportunities:
Dirty Feet Productions needs volunteers to help with
4x4 Transportation and Ham Radio communications for two
2013 Ultra Races in the Santa Ana Mountains between San
Juan Capistrano and Lake Elsinore.
The Harding Hustle is a 50K race on June 29. ***Date changed from July 6***
The Twin Peaks Ultra 50 mile race is October 19th.
See more information about the races at
http://trailrunning.dirtyfeet.us/volunteer.htmlFor transportation help they need 4x4s able to carry at
least 2 passengers as well as the driver. A 4 door is
preferred but a 2 door with a back seat is OK.
For Communications a 50 Watt Dual Band (440) is
preferred but a dual band HT is acceptable. A
Ham License is REQUIRED for the Communications staff.
If you can help with either Transportation or
Communications please contact Jessica DeLine
Please let Jessica know you are a JustRuns Member.
Roger Mullins