Okay, I stand corrected. Maybe we can update the SCCX Guidelines?
I don't think so...I agree with the guidelines, but Rich/Biker's Cage is skipping a few steps. He wants to main line right to the Powertank, which I can't argue with.
My personal "air up" journey is the old fashioned route -
-crappy plug in "12V/melts in your rig, not your hands" compressor
-then on to the hand me down Viair 90, sold to me by Paul and used dutifully for 2 years until it met its duty cycle maker in the desert.
-current upgrade of the VIAIR 400P, bought on Amazon for $200 (thanks NPGTech)
-current super-upgrade of the Powertank PT-10 package A set up. (Rich is skipping right to this step, yes, here)
So, to each their own. I still like the recommended path for others Marshann. Easy breezy compressed air.