Just got word of a basic land nav class on the 29th I'm interested in, anyone else want to learn to use a compass? Its free, nothing needed. Sept 29, 2013 9am-5pm at the discovery center.
Email attached below:
Basic Land Navigation
September 29, 2013 9am to 5pm
At the Big Bear Discovery Center
There is no cost to active Adopt-A-Trail members.
Class is limited to 20 students.
Please RSVP to Doug Guimond at fishpoet@yahoo.com to reserve your spot.
We will be starting at 9am sharp.
There will be a 10 minute break at 10:30am
Lunch will be from 12 noon until 12:45pm. You can either bring a sack lunch or head into town.
There will be a 10 minute break at 3pm
The manual can be found at:
http://www.nwcg.gov/pms/pubs/475/PMS475.pdfThere will be a manual provided to you to use during the class. If you want your own manual you will need to print it yourself.
We will provide all the maps. You do not need to bring any with you.
If you have a compass please bring it with you. If you don