welcome. the display case would be the area your looking for to find build threads. my advice for mods, go wheel and figure out what you dont like about your xterra(example: lack of traction, soft suspension, not enough lift, lack of armor, not enough storage where you want it, etc). It all comes down to personal preference, where you will be going, and how much your willing to compromise DD MPG's for wheeling capability, because unfortunately, you cant have both.
As far as street legal I assume you are talking about performance modifications, and you are correct, we are a little limited to what we can do. Stillen superchargers are good noise makers(their site says only 05-06 are legal but if you look up the carb number, they are good all the way to 2014), there are a few intakes that are legal, shorty headers from JBA are carb legal, all catback exhaust are legal, bullydog is the only programmer that works on 09+ xterra last i checked. Anything specific you were looking for?