Just a few random thoughts for the group to consider...
Well gents...looking at the 10 day forecast for Blythe, CA, we have windy conditions but no rain on Saturday day/evening.
20-30 mph gusts during the day...10-20 mph in the evenings.
I wouldn't worry about rain for this trip, but wind can make for some interesting conditions. Think about your tent stakes...if they are the stock small aluminum variety, I recommend "upgrading" to the metal stake style available at your local Big 5/Sport Chalet/Sports Authority.
Also helpful for those stakes in the rocky/sandy conditions, is a nice dead blow hammer, bright orange available at your local Harbor Freight. Not the big guy, but the small one. Makes quick work of tent stakes.
We all know it "loves the lotion on the skin," but seriously, think about lip balm and some basic lotion/sunscreen for the dry conditions you will be encountering. Insert obligatory lotion joke HERE:
We may want to bump the firewood count to two bundles per attendee, as a wind driven/blown campfire can use more fuel than normal.
Steve C. - to answer your table top BBQ question, if you wish to bring it, feel free. Just not sure it is necessary?
Thinking logistically about the campsite for Saturday night...
I'd like to make the campfire/kitchen area a centralized location...think Mojave Road.
We will take a small double track trail off of The Gas Line Road from The Bradshaw Trail to camp.
When Daphne and I scouted the location, we were thinking about 15 trucks. 25-26 trucks is a few more...there is plenty of room, if everyone remembers that you can camp away from the campfire and walk to it.
Setting up a couple of tables for food prep/serving area will be important (I have two folding aluminum tables), as well as Steve's Camp Chef for the spaghetti feed etc. shouldn't be an issue.
In my opinion, the EZ up's could be better served as extra tables for food service and preparation? Thoughts?
Erik - what consideration do you need for your Dutch Ovens, proximity to coals of a fire/serving area?
The provided fire ring is big enough, and we can move rocks back to increase if necessary.
Could I please get a couple of volunteers for folding camp/banquet tables for food prep for the potlucks?
Maybe even three if folks have some extra packing room?
Could everyone also bring one extra bundle of wood...two for each group for the fire on Saturday night?