2 words... A W E--S O M E!!!
What an epic trip! Very scenic indeed as Frank described it!
We took the scenic route through Julian on the way back and really saw the changing of the colors. I highly recommend driving through it and take a few snapshots on the way--very colorful! Had a quick lunch at the vista point near Julian overlooking Anza Borrego then headed back home...
13 trucks, 5 campers, countless kebabs, one awesome time! Thanks Frank for being the Trail Boss and Paul & Noon for the awesome barbeque! It was good to see everyone and meet new members. The gathering around the "crackling" fire log was priceless. Really had a good time!
Bobby, good luck with Open Road. Sounds like there's a lot of potential in it!
Dan, the How-to-prep an MRE was very entertaining! What's on the menu next time?
Will post pics soon...