Thanks for the great photos guys.
Like the boys already said: A good time was had by all.
It's so cool to see new blood stepping up and posting a run. This was a perfect example of what I'm seeing lately on our non-club site.
New guys getting involved and taking the bull by the horns, instead of commenting from the cheap seats. Speaking of El Toro, this was not the massive undertaking of a Mohave, cat-herding, three day event, but just a simple nice outing with someone willing to lead, and the responsibility that comes with it. I just realized that I've never posted a run. I will remedy that. But until then, I will do all that I can to support the 'Trail Masters' who do. Thanks to all of you. (Sh**, I'm kinda a mushy drunk) Enough of that!
Trail report: the powers that be, cabled off half a dozen 'blue' trails with seemingly no rhyme or reason. Yet three 'black' trails are still open to abuse your rig in a variety of ways. There were still plenty of trail options to have a great day, but for a real full day of wheeling we may want to add "Pilot Rock" to the mix.
I gonna keep drinking now 'til I'm funny again