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Author Topic: Local skid plate manf.  (Read 8087 times)


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Local skid plate manf.
« on: February 28, 2016, 07:02:25 PM »
Is there a local skid plate manf.? I hate to pay shipping when I can buy local. Will most likely get sliders from WK. But have yet to find a skid plate maker local.


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Re: Local skid plate manf.
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2016, 07:11:08 PM »
Nobody that mass produces them.  You can find local fabricators, but be prepared to pay top dollar.  Heftyfab and Shrockworks usually have them in stock, you'll pay for shipping but the overall cost is still cheaper than custom.
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Re: Local skid plate manf.
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2016, 09:36:42 PM »
as woody said, best to bite the bullet and pay for shipping, hefty and shrock know what they are doing as far as nissans go and build a nice set of skids.  a local place can do it but a one off will probably cost more and not have the lessons learned by shrock and hefty or offer as much protection to critical areas.
Jordan - K6XTE
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Re: Local skid plate manf.
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2016, 07:18:30 AM »

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Re: Local skid plate manf.
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2016, 09:35:55 AM »
I recently saw an ad on Craigslist from AOE 4x4 for Xterra skid plates. I used to have these exact skid plates - I purchased them from Hevak and ended up selling them to a guy up in Northern California because I wasn't ready for the added weight yet (didn't have my suspension mods in place at the time). I will say this - they are a quality product. My understanding is that they were built using a set of shrockworks skid plates as a template. They're pretty much an exact clone with a few extra holes poked in them for water to drain out of some places.

However, if I remember correctly, the price was almost the exact same that you'd pay for a set from hefty or shrockworks, including shipping, so why settle for a knock-off from a shady company?

My vote is for hefty, which is what I'm running now. The turnaround time is quick (like Jordan said, they usually have them in stock and they'll pump them out quickly if they don't). I'd avoid paying for the powdercoating, because it causes a delay in manufacturing (usually at least a month) and they'll just get all scratched up in shipping anyway (if not on your very first trail run after installing them). They really don't have to be pretty - just hit them with a few cans of rustoleum hammered paint and keep some on hand to touch them up once or twice a year.

If you aren't planning any suspension mods any time soon, you may prefer the aluminum ones to save weight. My understanding is that they're something like 30% as heavy but 70% as strong as the steel ones. Plus, aluminum won't rust and therefore doesn't NEED to be painted if you don't mind the bare metal look when you're looking at the bottom of your rig. A member on this site (fiercextreme) is selling a brand new, never installed set of aluminum ones for $500, and there would be no wait because he has them on hand now. I handled them about a week ago when I stopped by his house, and they're pretty impressive, and AMAZINGLY light weight. He's only asking $500 for them, and they sell for $700 new (plus shipping), so this is an extremely good deal. If I didn't already have a full set, I'd jump on it in a second.

Here's the for sale thread: http://www.sccxterra.com/smf/index.php?topic=3623.0

« Last Edit: February 29, 2016, 09:39:10 AM by JFanaselle »


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Re: Local skid plate manf.
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2016, 11:53:26 AM »
I have grabbed the plans for skids from the NewX forum and am working with a friend at a sheet metal shop to have a couple of sets made since we now have 2 Xterras.  I am not far enough along to know what the cost will be but I know it will be much cheaper then retail.  I am in San Diego so I am not sure what local is to you and I am not sure yet if he would have any issue making more sets. 

Now I am interested in the same question as yours only with sliders.  I think there is someone in Apple Valley that is not to far but the price is not any cheaper, just no shipping.


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Re: Local skid plate manf.
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2016, 12:11:54 PM »
I have grabbed the plans for skids from the NewX forum and am working with a friend at a sheet metal shop to have a couple of sets made since we now have 2 Xterras.  I am not far enough along to know what the cost will be but I know it will be much cheaper then retail.  I am in San Diego so I am not sure what local is to you and I am not sure yet if he would have any issue making more sets. 

Now I am interested in the same question as yours only with sliders.  I think there is someone in Apple Valley that is not to far but the price is not any cheaper, just no shipping.
Apple Valley is White Knuckle Off-road, unless you're talking about another company.
R. Long
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Re: Local skid plate manf.
« Reply #7 on: February 29, 2016, 12:36:37 PM »
I'll be in the process designing skid plates since stock ones won't fit my X any more. So I may be will to design another set. Do ya have a 2nd Gen.

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Re: Local skid plate manf.
« Reply #8 on: February 29, 2016, 02:05:20 PM »

I recently saw an ad on Craigslist from AOE 4x4 for Xterra skid plates. I used to have these exact skid plates - I purchased them from Hevak and ended up selling them to a guy up in Northern California because I wasn't ready for the added weight yet (didn't have my suspension mods in place at the time). I will say this - they are a quality product. My understanding is that they were built using a set of shrockworks skid plates as a template. They're pretty much an exact clone with a few extra holes poked in them for water to drain out of some places.

However, if I remember correctly, the price was almost the exact same that you'd pay for a set from hefty or shrockworks, including shipping, so why settle for a knock-off from a shady company?

I was half joking...and yes, I "donated" my Shrocks as a template for him (Alex) before all the shenanigans started. Too bad, would have been a cool local source.

Back to the OP...as Joe stated, the Heftys are really nice and usually don't have fitment issues.

Shrocks are great too, perfect fit and finish...but you'll pay in wait time.

Rattle can painting is great too, just make sure the tops are in good shape before mounting. Rust there goes right to your mounting points. That's why I always (yes, more expensive) had my skids professionally powder coated from the manufacturer, and touched up the "skid" parts with rattle can over time.

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Re: Local skid plate manf.
« Reply #9 on: February 29, 2016, 03:51:20 PM »

Sent from Cygnus X-1

Heyyyyy.....you be nice to the new kids!!!
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 02:31:26 PM by GeoYota »


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Re: Local skid plate manf.
« Reply #10 on: February 29, 2016, 08:01:56 PM »
Thanks for all the info. I think I will stay with paying shipping


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Re: Local skid plate manf.
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2016, 02:33:19 PM »
Thanks for all the info. I think I will stay with paying shipping

It's really nominal, compared to driving to pick up.  Best case is to find a set used and grab them that way...and they always pop up!

Heyyyyy.....you be nice to the new kids!!!

^^^I thought I was very nice.  :) :) :)

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