I have to agree with Joe and Randy, running an inverter to charge electronics is a very poor idea. Converting 12v DC to 120v AC( 70% efficient) to then convert it back to 7.4v DC(maybe 50% efficient) means you have about 75% or more of total wasted electricity. Brings me to the other issue of the use of cheap modified sine wave inverters will actually cause the device plugged into it to work harder and probably let out the magic smoke. True sine wave inverters are more expensive but put the same type of power that your house outputs, sensitive electronics work fine but the efficiency is still terrible. This goes for things like laptop chargers and just about every other device charger, it will eventually burn out the charger if used on a modified sine wave inverter.
When using solar, efficiency is the name of the game, wasting as little as possible to make the best use of the available power you have stored in your batteries. You have to think of what you will need and where you will need it.
You have no fridge so you don't have a large constant draw to contend with, if charging stuff like radios and such is your only concern, then a small 30w-80w system hooked up to the vehicle battery would be totally sufficient to offset any drains. buy a 12v dc charger for your accessories that need charging and you should be set.
heart stands for the soul of every living thing on earth, just gotta make it easy for kids to understand.