So after watching the desert temps like a hawk over the last month or two, I saw the first week of November drops from 90f by day to 78f and a balmy 50f by night. Since I don't like baking by day or night this is very good news. So I says to myself, "self" you need to call The Duffman. Well I call the Duffman and he says lets go. So here's the deal; Were meeting up at Dudley's Bakery on 11/02/16 at 1500. From there were going into the washes and set up a camp. There will be fireside pontification on various topics such as but not limited to world domination, the present state of the nanny state and general skullduggery to name but a few. From there we plan to get up whenever the next day, break camp and go exploring to see what the summers monsoon season has brought to bear. Anyone that wishes to go is welcome. Bring what you need and wood for the fire. No single malt or bug suits with three spare tires are required. We don't care if you have a HAM, CB, Hulk Walkie Talkies or just prefer to scream and frantically wave your arms and jump up and down to communicate. If you have a vehicle that kinda sorta runs and a good attitude you are welcome to attend.
P.S./Edit: Oh yeah I forgot to mention, we plan on coming back home sometime 11/03/16.