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Author Topic: Expedition Advice Needed  (Read 27472 times)


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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #30 on: November 22, 2016, 07:34:02 PM »
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I've received a lot of helpful advice here so far, but it has occurred to me that the reason I may not be seeing more responses is because I was somewhat vague as to the details of the trip.  Here is link to thread on TheNewX where the trip is being set up, maybe after you've reviewed it you can provide more helpful suggestions to me.  For several reasons that are probably quite obvious, I'm reluctant to post my questions in the trip thread itself, mostly for fear of being ridiculed.


While you are over there, check out the current Truck of the Month.

 Wow! Now that is a very well and thought up plan. Everything is included, time clock, exact route planning and daily mileage, everything you need, what else could be left out. Shoot it even has some useful pictures...
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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2016, 04:46:35 AM »
Mosquito netting is like dental floss for bears.

I read it on the internet, therefore, it is true.

I may be IN for this trip. Where are the name tag sign ups?...want to make sure mines spelled correctly.

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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2016, 04:49:36 AM »
I wonder if you couldn't do something like a combination bug spray/bear spray claymore mine style device? You could duct tape 5 or 6 cans in combination together and mount them alongside your vehicle to each of the sides. Then when the mosquitoes get too bad figure out a way to activate the bug/bear-bomb. You would have a massive cloud of bug killing/bear thwarting gasses throughout the entire camp. If you did like Rik advised and got a Chinese trailer or two to tow along resupplying of your bug/bear bombs wouldn't be a problem because you could store an infinite amount in them. Please make regular posts when you go and you could get an attractive handle like "FrankBUSA" to post in all the forums to get everyone's attention. I'd love to hear about FrankBUSA goes to the store. FrankBUSA buys stuff. FrankBUSA goes somewhere else, FrankBUSA does something, FrankBUSA does something, FrankBUSA is going to go back to the store, again, FrankBUSA wait what? Oh shoot I think I got off topic sorry.

 P.S. The other thing I'm curious about is communications? Are you a current HAM because if you are "I must scream it to the world from someplace high."

Can we just call you "BUSA" for short?

And since you are of Sicilian descent, could we say you are takin' a lot of "A-BUSA" for posting this thread...

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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2016, 08:06:59 AM »
Mosquito netting is like dental floss for bears.

I read it on the internet, therefore, it is true.

I may be IN for this trip. Where are the name tag sign ups?...want to make sure mines spelled correctly.

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 I bet you could be Declared as IN: Ghost65 ..............

 I think you would look quite fashionable in a Bug-suit with a nametag. Some other minor requirements may need to be fulfilled but I have very high hopes for you. I think the Ghost machine might just be up to task. If this trip gains more traction amongst the membership which I cannot fathom it would not, I might even beg my employer for the time off in order to attend. I wonder if I'm able to meet the minimum requirements would someone "Scream it from someplace high" that I'm Declared as IN!??
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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2016, 08:49:33 AM »
I declare myself a maybe...trying to source and NMO mount for my bug suit so I can TX while I'm bear watching.

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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2016, 09:00:47 AM »
I declare myself a maybe...trying to source and NMO mount for my bug suit so I can TX while I'm bear watching.

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 Maybe a portable tire bead setter could help with this quest?
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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #36 on: November 23, 2016, 09:22:03 AM »
Another thing to consider concerning the Prius for this expedition is the fact that the hood is maybe to small to strap your various bags and other items you need for such a trip.  You may find the need to continue attaching items to the fenders as well.  I'm just sayin......


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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #37 on: November 23, 2016, 09:50:42 AM »
Another thing to consider concerning the Prius for this expedition is the fact that the hood is maybe to small to strap your various bags and other items you need for such a trip.  You may find the need to continue attaching items to the fenders as well.  I'm just sayin......

  But if he gets one of those, oh what does that guy call it...? Oh I know a "Bonnet cover" then maybe he can do things like put all his machetes and other recovery gear that your spotter "Could immediately gain access to in an emergency" at least in theory anyway???? I'm thinkin this Prius might well be up to task.
Isaiah 6:8

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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #38 on: November 23, 2016, 10:35:08 AM »
JTIII is prepped for AK

Expedition Advice Needed
Steve - KK6OFL

ERMAHGERD CLICK ME  <--- (Build Thread Linky)


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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #39 on: November 23, 2016, 06:19:50 PM »
OMG, HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH Bugman #2!!!!!!!! You are so IN for the trip!!!! I see you even have some bearspray counter measures! Nice .45/70, I bet that's gonna be a "Bear" to sight in..................  !!!!
« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 06:58:35 PM by Celt »
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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #40 on: November 23, 2016, 06:44:46 PM »
Dude...please crop in my feet.

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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #41 on: November 23, 2016, 07:04:08 PM »
Well, I'm certainly glad to see that I may have some company for the long drive north to the meet spot for this trip.  Mr. Ghost65, it will be great to have a friend along.  For some reason I'm not sure just how welcome I'll be on this trip.

I have thought of another question in the meantime, this one has to do with loading the trailer that it sounds like I'll have to pull behind the Prius to carry the spare tires and the Scotch.  If I were taking the Xterra I would know how to load it, with most of the weight over the axle and then a little behind it.  However, the Prius is a much lighter vehicle than the Xterra, and that causes me some concern.  I'm worried that all the weight on or behind the trailer axle could cause the trailer to want to tip backwards (i.e. up in the front).  Since the Prius is so light, I can see it now, a big pyramid with the hitch ball right in the middle, and the rear wheels of the Prius ass-up in the air like a . . . on second thought I won't use an analogy here.  Anyway, I figure it should be safe to load all the weight on the trailer as far forward of the axle as possible, even well on to the tongue.  I'll probably get one of those lightweight Chinese trailers, which should be quite strong and up to the task, as we all know just how solid good Chinese engineering and technology is.  Does this sound reasonable to those of you who are more experienced in this sort of thing?  Personally, I can't think of anything that could go wrong here.

« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 07:05:59 PM by FrankB »


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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #42 on: November 23, 2016, 07:09:44 PM »

 . . . And since you are of Sicilian descent, could we say you are takin' a lot of "A-BUSA" for posting this thread...

[In my capacity as a BOD]  Let's try to keep the ethnic slurs to a minimum here; we are supposed to be an inclusive group that welcome all people, and we don't make fun of anyone. [/In my capacity as a BOD]

Oh wait, never mind.


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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #43 on: November 23, 2016, 07:12:24 PM »
I'm crying here.

Please pack all of your wrenches, including the 55mm 6 sided socket that fits my Toyota axle nut.

Thank you.

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Re: Expedition Advice Needed
« Reply #44 on: November 23, 2016, 07:33:32 PM »
Well, I'm certainly glad to see that I may have some company for the long drive north to the meet spot for this trip.  Mr. Ghost65, it will be great to have a friend along.  For some reason I'm not sure just how welcome I'll be on this trip.

I have thought of another question in the meantime, this one has to do with loading the trailer that it sounds like I'll have to pull behind the Prius to carry the spare tires and the Scotch.  If I were taking the Xterra I would know how to load it, with most of the weight over the axle and then a little behind it.  However, the Prius is a much lighter vehicle than the Xterra, and that causes me some concern.  I'm worried that all the weight on or behind the trailer axle could cause the trailer to want to tip backwards (i.e. up in the front).  Since the Prius is so light, I can see it now, a big pyramid with the hitch ball right in the middle, and the rear wheels of the Prius ass-up in the air like a . . . on second thought I won't use an analogy here.  Anyway, I figure it should be safe to load all the weight on the trailer as far forward of the axle as possible, even well on to the tongue.  I'll probably get one of those lightweight Chinese trailers, which should be quite strong and up to the task, as we all know just how solid good Chinese engineering and technology is.  Does this sound reasonable to those of you who are more experienced in this sort of thing?  Personally, I can't think of anything that could go wrong here.

I just can't imagine anything could go wrong with that load plans weight distribution. It appears to be very sound to me. I think there was recently a trip that went out to someplace led by one of those intrepid trailer owners and I was waiting with baited breath to see performance reports post trip. Alas, the trailer was not present with the intrepid traveler. I did see some video footage of said expert advice giver expertly spotting Xterras over obstacles that your Prius could have easily negotiated being driven by a 5 grader who has mastered any of the various Xbox racing games. However, I digress......... As a potato digging Mick, I'm with you on the brash comments referring to your Mafia er ummm I mean Sicilian background and there just isn't any room for this here. I think I just hit some trigger words and need to get to my safe space and contemplate things as a whole as it relates to my snowflake inner feelings. 
Isaiah 6:8


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