PAUL,Once you cross the border into Mexico, your U.S. or Canadian insurance cannot legally help you prove your financial responsibility in Mexico. Mexican insurance will instantly show authorities that you are able to pay damages to third parties.THIS IS WHY THEY JAIL PEOPLE UNTIL THEY DETERMINE IF THEY CAN PAY THIRD PARTIES IN ACCIDENTS. Policies may also include physical damage to your vehicle, total theft of your vehicle, medical payments for the driver and passengers, legal aid, bail bond and roadside assistance.
I have been to Turkey,Romania,Bulgaria and USSR, although mainly the port cities of Constana, Sofia, Odessa and Yalta. Turkey all over. Going back hopefully to Goreme Valley and Cappadocecia. At the time I went 3 of the four were communist and had no hard currencey. I was body guarding and would break up a common scam, points on the dollar where money was offered and exchanged at good rates until "police" would break up transaction and keep money as evidence. Got my camera taken away in USSR for taking pictures of bridges and power plants.
/As for Mexico I just got back from Rosarito, my dollar goes twice as far and there is Smart and Final, 7/11, PetSmart etc if I miss American amenities. Diana and her dad(wounded Korean and Nam vet) lived in Baja because they thought it was safe and peaceful. [ You are not allowed to view attachments ] Unfortunately her 17 year old brother was shot by gang members in 1994 because of a traffic dispute in Gardena California. I guess when it is your time, no safe places.